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Home » Articles » HD & VINYL 24-Bit

[HD Tracks] Maria Callas - Giuseppe Verdi: La Traviata (2014) FLAC 24-96

Artist: Maria Callas
Title: Giuseppe Verdi: La Traviata
Year Of Release: 2014
Label: Warner Classics
Genre: Classical, Opera
Quality: FLAC [Tracks, 24 bit/96kHz]
Total Time: 02:02:40 min
Total Size: 1,09 Gb (+1%rec.)

Violetta, the most complex and fully-rounded of Verdi’s heroines, was one of the roles that defined Maria Callas as an artist. She performed it more than 60 times between 1951 and 1958, most famously in Luchino Visconti’s production at La Scala in 1955/56. It is often said that the role demands a different kind of voice for each act, and, when she made this recording for the Cetra label in 1953, Callas offered youthful, ringing power complemented by coloratura prowess and the capacity for great delicacy.More than 60 years on, her characterisation, in its subtlety and truth, still sets the standard for La traviata.

Giuseppe Verdi (1813-1901)
La Traviata (Opera in three acts)
01. Prelude (4:37)
Act 1
02. "Dell'invito trascorsa e gia l'ora" (Chorus, Violetta, Flora, Marquis, Gaston, Baron) (5:12)
03. "Libiamo ne'lieti calici" (Alfredo, Violetta, Chorus) (3:12)
04. "Che e cio?" (Chorus, Violetta, Alfredo) (2:37)
05. "Un dí felice, eterea" (Alfredo, Violetta) (3:31)
06. "Ebben? Che diavol fate?" (Gastone, Violetta, Alfredo) (1:30)
07. "Si ridesta in ciel l'aurora" (Flora, Gastone, Baron, Doctor, Marquis, Chorus) (1:51)
08. "E strano! E strano!" (Violetta) (1:20)
09. "Ah fors'e lui" (Violetta) (3:01)
10. "Follie! Follie! Delirio vano e questo!" (Violetta, Alfredo) (1:06)
11. "Sempre libera" (Violetta, Alfredo) (4:02)
Act 2
12. "Lunge da lei per me non v'ha diletto!...." (Alfredo, Annina) (2:00)
13. "De'miei bollenti spiriti" (Alfredo, Annina) (2:09)
14. "Annina, donde vieni?....O mio rimorso!" (Alfredo, Annina, Violetta, Germont) (4:36)
15. "Pura siccome un angelo" (Violetta, Germont) (1:47)
16. "Non sapete quale affetto" (Violetta, Germont) (2:22)
17. "Un di, quando le veneri" (Violetta, Germont) (2:45)
18. "Ah! Dite alla giovane" (Violetta, Germont) (4:25)
19. "Imponete...Non amarlo ditegli" (Violetta, Germont) (1:11)
20. "Morrò La mia memoria" (Germont, Violetta) (3:30)
21. "Dammi tu forza, o cielo!" (Violetta, Annina, Alfredo) (1:47)
22. "Che fai?...Nulla" (Violetta, Annina, Alfredo) (2:33)
23. "Ah, vive sol quel core" (Alfredo, Giuseppe, Germont) (2:24)
24. "Di Provenza il mar, il suol" (Alfredo, Giuseppe, Germont) (4:51)
25. "Avram lieta di maschere la notte" (Flora, Marquis, Doctor) (1:03)
26. "Noi siamo zingarelle" (Chorus, Flora, Marquis, Doctor) (2:53)
27. "Di Madride noi siam mattadori" (Chorus, Gastone, Flora, Doctor, Marquis) (3:05)
28. "Alfredo! Voi!" (Flora, Gastone, Doctor, Marquis, Chorus, Alfredo, Violetta, Baron) (4:43)
29. "Invitato a qui seguirmi" (Violetta, Alfredo, Chorus) (2:36)
30. "Ogni suo aver tal femmina" (Alfredo, Gaston, Baron, Doctor, Marquis, Chorus) (1:38)
31. "Di sprezzo degno sé stesso rende" (Germont, Alfredo, Flora, Gaston, Baron, Doctor, Marquis, Chorus) (1:53)
32. "Alfredo, Alfredo, di questo core" (Violetta, Flora, Germont, Gaston, Baron, Doctor, Marquis, Chorus, Alfredo) (4:34)
Act 3
33. Prelude (4:40)
34. "Annina?...Comandate?" (Violetta, Annina, Doctor) (4:38)
35. "Teneste la promessa....Attendo - ne a me giungon mai!....Addio, del passato" (Violetta, Annina, Doctor) (1:52)
36. "Addio, del passato" (Violetta) (3:27)
37. "Largo al quadrupede" (Chorus) (0:46)
38. "Signore!...Che t'accadde?" (Annina, Violetta, Alfredo) (2:01)
39. "Parigi, o cara, noi lasceremo" (Annina, Violetta, Alfredo) (4:09)
40. "Ah, non piu, a un tempio" (Annina, Violetta, Alfredo) (1:58)
41. "Ah! gran Dio! Morir sì giovine" (Violetta, Alfredo) (1:49)
42. "Ah Violetta!...Voi, signor!" (Germont, Violetta, Alfredo, Annina, Doctor) (2:00)
43. "Prendi, quest'e l'immagine" (Germont, Violetta, Alfredo, Annina, Doctor) (1:00)
44. "Se una pudica vergine" (Violetta, Germont, Alfredo, Annina, Doctor) (3:37)

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Category: HD & VINYL 24-Bit | Added : (21.06.2024)
32 | Tags: Maria Callas

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